Friday, August 13, 2010

Rain rain go away

Dang what a summer! Here we all were so ready for the snow to go away and have some summer fun and its been nothing but rain. The state fair is here and we plan to go in the morning. I know I will have a stomach ache and he sorry but I have a list of must haves while I am there! For one thing you cannot go to the fair without eating a corn dog!! That will be first on my list!
  I am hoping to go by the quilting booth. That is what got me started on quilting. I always went by ohing and awwing over all the quilting and the embroidery designs from the machines. I always told my hubby-Ed that I wanted one of those but told him it was ridiculous to purchase such a machine unless I was at a point where I could sew alot and then sell my creations to help pay for the cost of the machine. Apparently I didn't make that clear enough cause he bought me a Janome embroidery machine for Christmas one year. He also bought me a serger that I still don't know how to use! I can never get the darn thing threaded right. I think I have three books on how to thread it but still can't seem to get it right. I think I may have to pay someone to give me a private lesson. One thing Ed didn't think about was lessons where he bought the machines. He bought the machines in Ames which is about an hour from where I live and made it hard to get lessons with my work schedule. I think I made it up there a couple of times but that was on the sewing machine.. I sure could use a refresher! I have made a few quilts and the more I do the better I get I think. I have finally gotten fairly good at making purses. At least going by all the free ones I give away I think people are pretty happy with them. One of these days I will have to start charging for them!
   Recently I am working on making different blocks. Still not doing so great with the triangles but I am determined to get them straight. I am sure there is a trick to it...
    Well guess I better get to bed.. The fair is going to be calling me as soon as I get off of work in the morning.


  1. That is such a pretty picture of the fair!

  2. Thanks too bad I can't take credit for it. I got it off of KCCI.
