Sunday, August 29, 2010

My new Purse

My new purse!! I do really love it and makes me smile when I look at the rose. The was a hanky that I picked up at an auction. Heres a close up.

I think for the next one I make I am going to embroidery something for the pocket. I have decided to quilt my own material since I pretty much have bought all the limited quilted material that is at my local Joanns. I have a Julies material shop of my own but most of it is cotton material.

 I did make the billfold and coin purse of this material. I really like having matching billfolds with my purses and since I am making it why not?! I do need to readjust my measurements though. The last one was an inch too short for the cards. dummy me!
   Last week I wasted a couple of yards of material being real stupid. Everything I touched I screwed up. I was working on something for a friend and finally decided to give it a break or Id never get it done. I finally finished it last night other than the shoulder straps and the billfold. Since this is my "easy week" at work and only work 1 day until next weekend I should get it done this week. I go through alot of zippers so I found a great deal on ebay. 50 zippers--7 inch for $6 including shipping!! Woohoo what a deal. So I have been waiting all week to recieve my package of zippers and finally got on my ebay page to ask the seller when it was mailed when I just happened to realize these zippers are coming from Hong Kong!! Damn I guess I was so taken with the price and didn't even check where they were going to be mailed from. I guess I will be waiting awhile.
   I found a wonderful website You can take online classes and it gives you great help for any sewing or quilting issues. I plan to take the embroidery class for my machine. I have a nice machine but very little knowledge on the embroidery part.
I can't wait to start the classes and I will see how the first one goes and then if I like it I will take more. Apparently you don't have to be available during the class times. The make it available for several weeks and you can print it out and also do the class assignments and then upload the pictures. I was hoping they would have a serger class but I don't think they do. Maybe I can find one of those later. It would be nice to know how to use my serger.

Well time to go finish Terris purse.. I must say when I bought the material I did get some questions and looks!!!  I assured them it was for a friend that believes in things that are bloody and creepy :-) Pictures in the next post :-)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Halloween Purse

I made this purse for one of the ladies I assist with in a group home that I work. She is totally infatuated with my cat shadow which is pure black so I made her a "shadow purse". This has a billfold and coin purse to match it ,but she grabbed those up before I got the purse done!  This isn't quilted material since its just meant for a fun seasonal purse.


Here are a couple of the purses I just completed. This one is a quilted one and small. I generally put a layer in across the middle to give it more room but this person requested it to be small.
It has a pocket there in front and a zippered one inside as well as a cell phone pocket and pocket for spare pens and a couple other skall pockets.

Here is the cosmetic bag and billfold that matches it. Another give away!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cat and Dog Quilt

This is my dog/cat quilt. That seemed to be the never ending quilt. This one was alot of fun to make. The three dogs are screen prints of our three and they look amazingly just like them. Chico has a bit more hair now but that looked like him for this forst two years. Alot of the material on this quilt is made from t-shirts or other clothing garments.  I trolled Goodwills to find different clothes that had cats and dogs on it for the quilt. I wanted something totally unique instead of store bought material. I think I got it. Most of the blocks are 4 square. The problem is I got alittle carried away and made it too big! Once I had it made though it was impossible to cut down or I would be cutting some of the larger blocks up.
We did try to use it but with the batting in the middle we decided it was best as a winter quilt. Its alot heavier than it looks!! Well its something to look forward to this winter.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Creativity at the Fair

OMG where did all those people come from? Small people, big people, wheelchairs, strollers, walkers, wagons. Made for hard to get around at the Iowa State Fair. We were there 4 hours and it was time to go back home! Thank God we rode the shuttle so we didn't have to pay for parking and only a $2 round trip bus ride. A shower and a nap--now sitting down to eating pizza and life is good again!
 I did see some wonderful quilts. I even found a place where they had a sew in where they were making quilts for charity. They were strip piecing some quilts which was nice for people to come in and sew alittle while and when the quilt gets completed they give them to children in hospitals. Ed and I found the place that I like to drool over the machines and the people were quite pleasant this year. One of the guys there told me he would help me if I needed my machine worked on and would help me to thread my serger for $50 an hour. It would be alot cheaper for me to go to Ames where I bought it for a lesson if I get the time. There was a couple machines there for $4G that was the long arm for quilting. They were really nice, but I am not ready to shell out that much for another machine. I can across the Blue Ribbon quilts and this was my favorite.

I doubt that I could make one like that, but this was inspirational. One lady had hand quilted a king size quilt that was just so detailed and perfect. I wonder how long it took her to quilt it. It took me a year to get my dog and cat king size quilt completed so I can just imagine how long it took a person to hand quilt. I will finally get to use my dog and cat quilt this winter. I finished it this spring then using it one night we realized it is definetly going to be a winter quilt! I am looking forward to it this year. Now I am going back to making my blocks. One of these days I will put them in a quilt but right now I am enjoying trying different blocks.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rain rain go away

Dang what a summer! Here we all were so ready for the snow to go away and have some summer fun and its been nothing but rain. The state fair is here and we plan to go in the morning. I know I will have a stomach ache and he sorry but I have a list of must haves while I am there! For one thing you cannot go to the fair without eating a corn dog!! That will be first on my list!
  I am hoping to go by the quilting booth. That is what got me started on quilting. I always went by ohing and awwing over all the quilting and the embroidery designs from the machines. I always told my hubby-Ed that I wanted one of those but told him it was ridiculous to purchase such a machine unless I was at a point where I could sew alot and then sell my creations to help pay for the cost of the machine. Apparently I didn't make that clear enough cause he bought me a Janome embroidery machine for Christmas one year. He also bought me a serger that I still don't know how to use! I can never get the darn thing threaded right. I think I have three books on how to thread it but still can't seem to get it right. I think I may have to pay someone to give me a private lesson. One thing Ed didn't think about was lessons where he bought the machines. He bought the machines in Ames which is about an hour from where I live and made it hard to get lessons with my work schedule. I think I made it up there a couple of times but that was on the sewing machine.. I sure could use a refresher! I have made a few quilts and the more I do the better I get I think. I have finally gotten fairly good at making purses. At least going by all the free ones I give away I think people are pretty happy with them. One of these days I will have to start charging for them!
   Recently I am working on making different blocks. Still not doing so great with the triangles but I am determined to get them straight. I am sure there is a trick to it...
    Well guess I better get to bed.. The fair is going to be calling me as soon as I get off of work in the morning.